Niagara and Orleans Counties
Coastal Lakeshore Economy And Resiliency initiative (CLEAR)
Get Involved
Community engagement is critical to ensure CLEAR Plans reflect the diverse perspectives, needs, interests, and watersheds within Niagara and Orleans Counties. CLEAR activities employed innovative public outreach strategies to engage the full array of community stakeholders. Information on CLEAR activities, including events and meeting summaries, is provided below. The public was able to submit comments at any time during the planning process on the Contact page.
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Public Events
Public Webinar #3
Tuesday November 16th @ 5:00pm
Discussion on resilience scenarios and actions. Please submit comments on the presentation using the "Contact Us" form on the Contact page through November 23rd.
Public Event #2 - Live Webinar Discussion
Tuesday September 21st, 5:00pm
Online discussion of how to turn risks into opportunities for shoreline communities. Participants heard about the outcomes of public survey #1 and the risk assessment for shoreline communities in Niagara and Orleans Counties. They discussed needs and opportunities for increasing resilience to identified risks.

Niagara & Orleans Counties CLEAR Public Webinar 2
Public Survey #1
June 9th - July 7th - Public Survey #1
This survey invited the public to share how their community is being affected by changing lake conditions. The survey was advertised through email distribution lists, local media channels, social media, and flyers. An offline SMS survey was also made available.

Public Presentation #1​
June 9th 5:00pm - Live Webinar Survey Launch
Live presentation about the CLEAR initiative and public engagement opportunities including public survey #1.

Photo: Olcott by anna at